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The Ladies' Man Page 2

  “What kind of dance?” he asked.

  “Everything. Ballet, jazz, modern. I still take classes, which is silly because it’s not like I’m going to do something with it.”

  “Why is it silly? Does everything have to have a purpose?”

  She didn’t know how to answer. She’d never told anyone about her dancing and she wasn’t sure why she’d admitted it now. Maybe because it was easier than talking about her leather-and-lace fantasy.

  Before she could answer his question, Diane’s sharp voice cut across the floor.

  “You’re a jerk, Eddy. I don’t know why I ever bothered with you.”

  “Hey, babe, don’t be that way.”

  Eddy reached for Diane, who pushed his arm away. “I hate you. How’s that for an I sentence. Go to hell.”

  Eddy threw up both hands. “I don’t need this from you. Just forget it.”

  Diane glared at him. “Fine, I will. This is the end. Don’t bother coming around again. Understand.”

  “Clearly. Don’t you come crawling back. I’m not interested.”

  “Me, either.”

  With that, Diane whirled around and marched out of the bar.

  Rachel stared after her. “She said she wanted to break up with him, but I didn’t think she meant it.” She looked at the exit, wondering if her friend would be all right. “I need to go check on her.”

  “Sure thing.”

  Rachel stood, as did Carter. She glanced from him to the door and back.

  “Thanks for the drink and the conversation,” she said, suddenly feeling awkward. “You were really nice.”

  His easy smile gave her toes another miniworkout. “Words every guy longs to hear.”

  “What? Oh.” She laughed. “Right. Sorry. You were especially dangerous tonight. I was terrified.”


  He stepped around the table and lightly kissed her. She had no warning. One second he was moving and the next she felt a soft, tempting pressure on her mouth that was gone before she could fully grasp it.

  “Take care, Rachel,” he said and headed back to the bar.

  She watched him go, then turned and walked out into the still warm evening. Who could have known she could meet such a great guy in a bar? She glanced at the sign showing a sitting, tail-wagging, blue dog in bright neon. And here, of all places.

  At least she could check “get out more” off her to-do list, she thought as she moved toward Diane’s car. That was—

  The car was gone.

  Rachel distinctly remembered where her friend had parked because the ghostly blue from the sign had turned her dress purple as she’d climbed out of the car. As Diane wasn’t standing around in hysterics, it was unlikely the car had been stolen.

  “But she was my ride home,” Rachel said aloud to no one.

  Diane had left her? Was that possible? Sure, her friend had been upset, but…

  Rachel walked to the edge of the parking lot and glanced up and down the street. Nothing. No familiar blue sedan cruised in her direction.

  Her mouth opened and closed. This could not be happening. Sure she didn’t know Diane all that well, but how flaky would the other woman have to be to go off and forget her?

  “Is there a problem?”

  The familiar voice made her want to groan, and not in a good way. She’d been so happy with how things had gone in the bar. She’d managed to act sophisticated and bar-worldly…sort of. But to have all that blown now was really unfair.

  She turned until she faced Carter, then shrugged.

  “So your girlfriend was more upset than either of us realized,” he said, obviously grasping what had happened.


  “Come on,” he said with a smile. “I’ll take you home.”

  She wanted to tell him that wasn’t necessary. That she would call another friend or a cab. But it was late and she hated to disturb anyone because of what had happened, and this was Riverside, not New York. There weren’t exactly cabs cruising around looking for fares.

  He held up both hands, as if surrendering. “I’m perfectly safe.”

  “Ha. You said you were dangerous.”

  “Only in my dreams.”

  He tilted his head in invitation. She sighed, then nodded.

  “Thank you,” she said as she followed him to a large black truck.

  “No problem. This can be my good deed for the week. It’ll make my mom happy.”

  Him mentioning his mother eased a little of her tension. She felt awkward as she climbed onto the passenger seat, which felt about thirty feet above the ground.

  “Nice truck,” she said when he slid in on the driver’s side. “Great visibility.”

  “Macho,” he corrected with a grin. “Macho truck.”

  She couldn’t help laughing. “Of course. My mistake. Imagine how high it would be if you got those really big tires.”

  “Not my style.”

  Oh, but a truck was? And people said women were confusing.

  He started the engine, then glanced at her. “Where to?”

  She fastened her seat belt and gave him directions.

  After Carter pulled out of the parking lot, he said, “You need to have a talk with your friend. Driving off and leaving you alone at a bar is not okay.”

  “I agree. I couldn’t believe it when I stepped out and her car was gone. I don’t know her all that well, but still…” She shrugged.

  “You work together?” he asked.

  “Yes. She just started this term. Diane teaches fourth grade.”

  “Big kids,” he teased.

  “Bigger than mine. Plus I suspect by the time they’re nine there’s a whole lot less paste eating. But I wouldn’t trade. I love the little kids. Everything is exciting and new to them. They see all the possibilities. If I do my job right, I can help them love school for the rest of their lives.”

  Just then his cell phone rang. He pulled it out of his shirt pocket and flipped it open.

  “Brockett. Uh-huh. Yeah. How’d you know?” He laughed. “No. I’ve got it. Night.” He hung up. “Your friend came back, looking for you.”

  “Really? Good. I didn’t want to have to yell at her tomorrow. Who called?”

  “Jenny, the bartender. She’ll tell Diane that you’re good.”

  Rachel opened her mouth, then closed it. She wasn’t sure “good” covered it. There was every possibility that Diane would think she was going home with a guy she just met. Perhaps not the most awful thing in the world, but not a reality Rachel was comfortable with.

  As she couldn’t discuss that with Carter, she asked the next logical question.

  “How does the bartender know your cell number?”

  “Don’t panic,” he told her. “I’m not that much of a regular. Jenny and I go way back. We’ve been friends for years.”

  Friends, huh? And before that?

  He pulled up in front of her small apartment building. It was in an older part of town. Rachel had chosen the place specifically because she loved the higher ceilings and custom touches of the Craftsman-style architecture.

  Carter turned off the engine, then looked at the carport. “Let me guess,” he said, eyeing the cars parked there. “The gray sedan.”

  She unfastened her seat belt and had the satisfaction of knowing she was about to shock him. “The little red, two-seater convertible.”

  His eyes widened. “No way.”


  His gaze settled on her face. “Why wasn’t my kindergarten teacher more like you?”

  “Maybe she was. Five-year-olds tend not to notice stuff like that.”

  “I guess.”

  Before she could thank him for the ride, he climbed out of the truck. She did the same and they met on the sidewalk.

  “You don’t have to walk me up,” she said.

  “I want to. This is a full-service rescue.”

  She felt nervous and out of her element, but not afraid. She liked Carter and while she k
new she would probably never see him again, she couldn’t help being glad he didn’t want to run right off.

  She led the way up the stairs to the far apartment. As they passed between her overflowing plant stands, he asked, “Yours?”

  She pulled her keys out of her purse. “Another hobby. I like to grow things.”

  “A kindergarten teacher who dances and has a green thumb. Interesting.” He stepped a little closer and lightly touched her cheek with his fingertips. “I’m going to kiss you, Rachel. I’m telling you this in advance, so you can race inside, slap me or go with it and kiss me back. We all know what my choice would be, but you get a say in this, too.”

  The porch light brought out the gold in his blond hair. He was both handsome and sexy, a fairly irresistible combination. She hadn’t been on a date in months or been kissed in nearly two years and until this exact moment, hadn’t realized how much she’d missed having a man in her life.

  “I’m not the slapping type,” she murmured, her gaze locked with his.

  He gave her a slow, knowing smile that made her shiver.

  “Good to know,” he said, right before he kissed her.

  Chapter Two

  Carter’s mouth was warm and firm on hers, but tender. Rachel had thought he might be one of those pushy kissers, claiming what he wanted. Instead he moved back and forth against her mouth, giving just enough to make her want more.

  One of them moved toward the other. She wasn’t sure who was responsible for the sudden closeness, but she wasn’t going to complain about the feel of his hard, muscled body pressing against hers. He smelled good—like the outdoors, with a hint of masculine temptation. Heat radiated from him, making her want to cuddle even closer, like a cat looking for a sunny spot.

  One of his hands continued to stroke her cheek, lightly brushing against her skin, while the other rested on her waist. She wondered if he were holding her in place. Had her mouth not been so busy pressing up against his, she would have told him that she had no intention of going anywhere.

  He brushed the very tip of his tongue against her lower lip. The tiny movement was both exciting and erotic. She parted for him, then held her breath in anticipation of him deepening the kiss.

  He moved forward slowly, cautiously, as if giving her time to retreat. Instead all she could think was how long it had been since she’d really kissed a man. Not since she’d broken off her engagement nearly two years ago.

  At the exact moment his tongue gently stroked hers, need exploded inside of her. The intensity was as shocking as it was unexpected. She wanted more, needed more. Her body suddenly ached to have him touching her. Skin tightened, her breasts swelled. She let her purse slip to the ground, then wrapped both arms around his neck and leaned into him.

  He accepted her with a low groan that made her nipples tighten. He pulled her against him, even as he ran his hands up and down her back. She tilted her head and he deepened the kiss, exploring all of her mouth with an urgency that made her tremble.

  The depth of passion stunned her. She’d never felt like this from just a kiss and certainly never with a man she’d just met. It was insane. It was also thrilling and arousing and so not anything she was used to.

  Carter pulled back slightly. He kissed her cheeks, then along her jaw and down her neck.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he murmured. “Are you trying to make guys crazy on purpose?”

  She could barely breathe, let alone speak, but she forced herself to gather her thoughts. “What are you talking about?”

  “Those damn curves in that prim little dress,” he muttered as he licked the sensitive skin just below her ear. “It shouldn’t be legal.”

  Her eyes popped open and she stared into the darkness of the night. “Me?” she asked in a voice that squeaked. “But I need to lose about fifteen pounds.” Twenty, really, but she couldn’t bring herself to say that aloud. “I’m not…”

  “Incredible?” he asked, brushing her mouth with his. “Sexy? Stunning?” He straightened and smiled. “If this wasn’t the first time I’d kissed you and if I hadn’t been raised to know better, I’d show you exactly what you’ve done to me.”

  Curiosity exploded. Was he talking about what she thought he was talking about? Had she really aroused him?

  For her own part, she felt more than a little tingly, but he was so much more cool than she could ever hope to be.

  She looked into his dark eyes and saw fire burning there. His desire matched her own growing need.

  “I’ve never…” she said, then cleared her throat. “I don’t…”

  “I know,” he said with more than a little regret. “I swore off sex on the first date about the time I turned twenty. You’re not the type.” He smiled ruefully. “I’ll tell you what, Rachel. You’re enough to make me rethink my plan of swearing off women.”

  He kissed her again, then bent down and picked up her purse. She took it from him and held it in both hands. It was that or reach for him again.

  He drew in a deep breath. “Here’s what I think. You’re gonna go inside your place, smile, thank me for a great evening and close the door.” He frowned. “You need to lock it, too.”

  That made her smile. “You’re not the type to break in.”

  “I don’t know. I haven’t been this tempted before.”

  His words made her tremble. She knew his advice was sound, but it was amazingly difficult to force herself to open her door, then step inside alone. Still, she did it. She set her keys and her purse on the small table by the door, then drew in a breath and prepared to tell him goodbye.

  She was in his arms. She wasn’t sure who made the move, but it didn’t matter because holding him and being held felt so good. Even as his mouth claimed hers in a kiss that stirred her to her soul, she savored the feel of his hands as he ran them up and down her back. She could feel the pressure of his fingers, the heat of him. When he lingered on her hips, she instinctively arched toward him. Her belly brushed against his erection.

  Need rushed through her. He hadn’t been kidding—he did want her. Just as she wanted him. Nothing about this made any sense at all, but where men were concerned, she’d always been cautious. She’d had exactly two lovers in her life and she’d waited until she’d been sure they were in love and talking about getting married before giving in. She’d never been with a stranger. Until tonight she’d never even kissed a stranger. She was sure that in the bright light of day she would have given herself a stern talking-to, but right now she didn’t care.

  She placed her hands on his chest and allowed herself to explore him. As their tongues circled and danced and mated, she learned how she liked to breathe in the scent of his skin.

  He set his hands on her waist and moved them up. Slowly, slowly, as if giving her time to protest. Without thinking, she covered his hands with hers and brought them to her breasts.

  She was jolted both by her own actions, something she’d never done before, and the exquisite pleasure of having him touch her there. She decided to deal with her guilt later and simply enjoy the feel of him caressing her curves, brushing against her nipples and making her body melt.

  The ever-present need grew. She was already wet and swollen and she wanted to be touched everywhere. She squirmed to get closer even as he started unbuttoning the front of her dress.

  Yes, she thought hazily. Without clothes they could touch each other. She tugged at his T-shirt. He stepped back, unfastened the buttons and ripped it off. Passion darkened his eyes to the color of the night sky. There was light from a single small lamp in the corner but it was enough to let her see how hard he was breathing and how his desire pushed at the zipper of his jeans.

  They came together again. Now she could touch his back and chest, feeling the warmth and smoothness of his skin. He managed to unfasten the front buttons on her dress and push the fabric aside. Her arms were caught for a moment, then she freed herself and shoved it out of the way. Her dress fell to the floor and pooled at her feet.

nbsp; Under any other circumstances, she would have been embarrassed, but there was no time. Carter bent down and, through her bra, took her nipple in his mouth. She lost herself in the wet heat and gentle sucking. She touched his head, his back, his arms and wished there was a way to touch all of him.

  He nudged her backward. She went willingly, then let herself fall onto the sofa. He eased on top of her until they were a tangle of arms and legs. His arousal pressed between her thighs and, even with multiple layers of clothing, he managed to excite that one sensitive spot.

  More, she thought frantically, knowing it had been so long and that she would be close in a matter of seconds. She needed more.

  He unfastened her bra and pulled it away. Now she felt his mouth on her bare skin and it was nearly enough to send her over the edge. He slipped one hand between them and even as his tongue teased her aching nipple and brought her close to the edge, he eased between her legs and under her panties to get lost in paradise.

  He found her center immediately. She didn’t know if it was good luck or a lot of practice, and at that moment, she didn’t care. He rubbed around the swollen spot before brushing over it. She gasped as her body tightened and every cell waited breathlessly for that one moment of release.

  Again and again he touched her, moving steadily, then slower, then faster, pushing her into madness until she could only wait, unable to breathe until her body gave in to the pure pleasure and convulsed into release.

  She clung to him as the waves rippled through her. He continued to touch her and she continued to climax until he swore, pulled back, unfastened his jeans, jerked down her panties and plunged inside of her.

  He was thick and he filled her until she had no choice but to climax again. They held on to each other, kissing, straining, reaching. He called out her name, then stiffened as his body found its own release, and then they were still.

  Rachel savored the weight of him, unable to believe that she, of all people, had really made love with a stranger, on her slip-covered sofa, with the scent of night-blooming jasmine in the air.

  Rachel woke a few minutes before her alarm clock went off, to find the sun streaming into the room. That didn’t make sense, she thought in sleepy confusion. She always closed the blinds and then pulled the pale curtains. But this morning the curtains were all that were between her and an east-facing window. Huh. Shouldn’t she have…