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The Friends We Keep (Mischief Bay) Page 19

  “So I’m the point of sacrifice,” she said, trying to keep from sounding shrill. “I give up everything while she goes on as if none of this ever happened? How is that right?”

  “Of course she’ll have responsibilities,” he said, his voice annoyingly soothing.

  “Will she? Really? Because you don’t even make her do her own laundry. She has virtually no chores in this house. None. She lives here full-time and we treat her like an honored guest. Now you’re telling me that I’m expected to raise her baby? To give up my career, everything I’ve been waiting to get back to, so she can go off and have a good rest of her childhood?”

  Her voice rose with each word until she was shrieking. Andrew’s phone chirped.

  They stared at each other. She was breathing as if she’d just run a mile and he still looked more confused than upset.

  “Obviously we have to talk about this more,” he said as he pulled his phone out of his shirt pocket. “My car is here. I have to go.”

  She nodded. Right. Because he had a business trip and life went on.

  She wanted to throw something at him. Like a shoe. Or a building. What on earth had he been thinking? No way she was giving up her life for Makayla’s baby. A baby that would be adopted soon enough.

  He crossed to her. “I’ll call you tonight,” he said and kissed her cheek.

  She nodded without speaking.

  He walked toward the bedroom, then paused and turned back to her. “Are we all right?”

  She nodded. They weren’t, but what was the point in saying that now? He had to leave. Better that things be reasonably pleasant. They would talk again when he got home. There was time for her to get him to understand that there was absolutely no way on this planet she was giving up her career to take care of Makayla’s baby. Not now, not ever.

  * * *

  Hayley was aware of movement around her long before she opened her eyes. There was an annoying steady beeping, along with low conversation and the occasional sensation of warmth. Drugs, she thought hazily. Someone was giving her drugs.

  She surrendered to them as much as she could. A voice—no, that was too strong—a feeling told her not to wake up until she had to. That surfacing, having to face whatever had happened, would be bad. So she didn’t stir, didn’t open her eyes until finally she couldn’t keep them closed anymore.

  The room was unfamiliar, as was the bed. She closed her eyes, then opened them again as pain settled on her. The kind of pain that could only be dulled, not deadened.

  She inhaled slowly. She was breathing on her own. That was good. She moved her arm, then winced as she realized there was an IV attached. The beeping was her heartbeat.

  “How are you feeling?”

  The voice was familiar, but not the one she wanted to hear. She turned and saw Dr. Pearce standing beside her bed, watching her with an awkward combination of relief and concern.


  “You’re on an IV for the pain. Can you push the button yourself or do you want me to?”

  “I can do it.”

  Hayley found the button and pressed it. Relief was almost instant. Drugs, she thought hazily. She’d never done them as a kid, but they were magical.

  “Do you know where you are?”

  “The hospital.”

  “Do you remember what happened?”

  Hayley fought against the swirling sensation she recalled. The blood. There’d been so much blood.

  “I made a mess at work on the floor.”

  Dr. Pearce smiled. “I think they’ll be okay with that.”

  Hayley nodded slightly. “You’re right. Steven’s good that way.”

  The doctor’s smile faded. “Hayley, you were hemorrhaging. I’m sorry. I wish there had been something else I could do to save you from—”

  “Stop,” Hayley whispered. “Don’t say it.”

  Not that the words would make it any more or less real. She already knew the truth. Could feel it in the tightness in her insides, the pain from the incisions. She simply didn’t want it spoken out loud.

  “If there’d been another way...”

  “I know.” Hayley felt tears on her cheeks, although she wasn’t aware of crying. It was done. There was no going back now. She was done. Totally and completely done. She closed her eyes.

  “How close did I come to dying?”

  “Close enough. You lost a lot of blood.”

  There hadn’t been a decision to make. She understood that. At least in her head. Her heart was different. Her heart screamed out at the unfairness of it all. Her heart sobbed and cried and began building walls that would never be scaled.

  “I’m going to let Rob know you’re awake.”

  Hayley opened her eyes. “He’s here?”

  “Of course. He just went to get more coffee. Steven called him after he called 911. Rob got here within a few minutes of the ambulance.” Dr. Pearce squeezed her hand. “It’s been nearly forty-eight hours. We were all starting to wonder when you’d wake up. Let me go get him.” Dr. Pearce left the room.

  Rob was here. Hayley hung on to the thought, then forced herself to fight the drugs and stay awake until she saw him walk into her room.

  “You look awful,” she told him, her voice scratchy.

  There were dark circles under his eyes and two days’ growth on his jaw. His clothes were wrinkled and his glasses dirty.


  He breathed her name, then lowered the railing on the side without the IV and slid onto the narrow bed until he was stretched out next to her. He touched her hair, her cheeks, then wiped away her tears.

  “You nearly died,” he told her. “You nearly bled out. They wouldn’t let me see you. You nearly died.”

  She heard the fear in his voice. The accusation. Because she’d done this to herself. To them. From his point of view, she should have given up. Should have stopped fighting.

  She was so happy to see him and at the same time, she knew it didn’t matter. Irony. Now that she’d had the hysterectomy, he would come back. They would be together. But without a baby, she wasn’t going to be whole ever again. She wasn’t going to be who she was. He would love her and she would be gone.

  She knew she wasn’t making sense. It was the drugs and maybe what she’d been through. Regardless, she knew the truth. There was a hole inside her. An emptiness that would never be filled.

  She pushed those thoughts away and focused on the man next to her.

  “I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I shouldn’t have left. I didn’t know what else to do. How else to get your attention.”

  “It’s okay.” There was no point in him suffering, too.

  “Everyone’s been by,” he told her. “All your friends. Steven and Pam and half the people from work. They all gave blood.” He raised his head. “You had a transfusion. Did Dr. Pearce tell you?”

  She shook her head. “Is Steven mad about the carpet?”

  “No. He’s happy you’re okay.”

  It hurt to talk. She was tired. So very tired. She felt her eyes closing.

  Rob got off the bed and replaced the railing, then pulled up a chair. “Go to sleep, Hayley. I’ll be right here. They want you to stay another night. I’ve already moved back home. I’ll be there to take care of you.”

  She nodded because there was nothing left to say. He was back in her life. He loved her and he was back. Too bad it was all for nothing. It was too late. For both of them.

  * * *

  Let’s Do Tea was quintessentially cute. The building had once been a private home, built in the 1920s. The architecture lent itself to charming retail and Let’s Do Tea took advantage of that. The main floor held the grocery store side of the business, offering everything edible and British from ginger beer to scones. There was al
so a take-out counter. A restaurant filled the upstairs. The menu was on a spectrum from ploughman’s lunches to high tea.

  Nicole saw Gabby had already been seated and waved as she made her way to the table. Gabby rose and they briefly hugged.

  “I’m a mess,” Nicole admitted as she took a seat. “Which is really sad because none of this is happening to me.”

  “It was scary,” Gabby told her. “Rob was terrified when he called. I haven’t heard all the details, but it sounds like they weren’t sure Hayley was going to pull through.”

  “I know.” Nicole shuddered. “Pam said that Steven couldn’t believe how much blood there was. He thought she was going to die right there on the floor of the office. Poor guy. Apparently he’s still in shock. But she pulled through. Did you give blood?”

  Gabby nodded. “I’m O negative, so they love me. The universal donor. Rob said she’ll be coming home today. I’m going to wait a bit before visiting.”

  “Me, too. I don’t want to tire her. I just wish there was something concrete I could do. You know—babysit, pet sit, regrout her bathroom.”

  Gabby smiled. “Regrouting isn’t a traditional get-well gift, but it should be.”

  Nicole picked up her menu, then put it down. While Gabby was saying all the right things, something was off. There was a tension in her voice, a strained set to her shoulders.

  “Are you okay?”

  Their server chose that moment to walk over to their table. “Good afternoon, ladies,” the plump British woman said with a welcoming smile. “Do you know what you’ll be having?”

  “Every carb you offer,” Gabby said, then sighed. “Or the high tea lunch. Coronation chicken sandwiches, please.”

  Nicole hesitated a second. She generally ordered the salad, but something told her that sugar and gluten were going to be required today. “The same for me.”

  They passed over their menus. Their server promised to bring the tea right away, then left. Nicole leaned toward Gabby.

  “Tell me.”

  “I honestly don’t know if I can talk about it,” she admitted. “What’s beyond stunned, because that’s where I am.”

  Nicole waited patiently. She’d known Gabby just over a year. The other woman was smart, capable and caring. She wasn’t overly dramatic. Instead, she saw the problem and came up with solutions. If she was this rattled, it was bad.

  “We talked about Makayla being pregnant,” Gabby began.

  Nicole nodded. “When we had lunch at Gary’s.”

  “Andrew and I have been talking about what’s to come. Makayla and Boyd swear they’re in love. They want to stay together and raise the baby as a family.”

  Nicole rolled her eyes. “Seriously? Will she even be sixteen when the baby’s born?”


  “Then how are they going to be together? Will one of them move in with the other? Are they going to quit school and get jobs?” She pressed her lips together. “Sorry. I interrupted.”

  “You’re saying everything I’ve been thinking. Plus Andrew and I doubt that Boyd is really in this for the long haul. It’s not just that he’s a sixteen-year-old boy who isn’t going to want to have a baby cramping his lifestyle. His mother is very angry and upset. We’re pretty sure she’s going to be pushing for them to break up.”

  Their server returned with a pot of tea and a tiered tray filled with mini scones and little pastries.

  Gabby waited until she’d left to pour for both of them.

  “We’ve been talking regularly,” Gabby continued. “That’s what has me so confused. Because I thought we were on the same page and we’re not.”

  “How are you and Andrew on different pages?”

  Gabby put down the teapot. “I thought Makayla would give up her baby for adoption and Andrew thought she would be keeping the baby.”

  “What? How? She’s in high school. I’m assuming he expects his daughter to graduate. How would that happen?”

  Gabby sipped her tea.

  Nicole stared at her. “No,” she breathed, unable to believe it. “He does not expect you to stay home with the baby.”

  “He does. He told me that he really appreciates all I have to give up to make that happen.”

  But Andrew was so nice, Nicole thought, shocked by the suggestion. So supportive and loving. Anyone spending any time with them could see they were a great couple. He’d always been so forward-thinking. So in tune with the women in his life. “How could he ask you to give up your life like that? It’s not your baby.”

  “Thank you.” Gabby reached for a scone. “That’s what I said. Why does Makayla get to go on with her life as if nothing happened and I’m expected to give up everything to raise her child? It’s not fair.”

  “You must be furious.”

  “I am, and confused. We’ve been talking nearly every day about this. How could I not have understood him?”

  “Plus your job.” Nicole sighed. “You’ve been looking forward to it for months. Hasn’t he noticed?”

  “He has. But somewhere along the way he thought I was on board with this idea.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “I have no idea,” Gabby admitted. “He’s out of town for a few days. We’ll talk when he gets back.” She reached for a pastry. “I know exactly how it will be,” she said bitterly. “He says that Makayla will have to take care of the baby when she’s home, but she won’t. He never refuses her anything. There will be after-school stuff. Football games and dances. I’ll be the full-time mother to a newborn that isn’t even mine.”

  Tears filled her eyes. “I love him, but I do not want to take this on. I want to go to work. I want to be more than a mom. Does that sound awful?”

  Nicole reached across the table and touched her arm. “Of course not. You love your girls and you love Makayla. This isn’t about caring, it’s about what’s right. You didn’t sign up for this at all. Have you discussed adoption at all?”

  “I thought we had but apparently not. Makayla is still convinced it’s all going to be butterflies and roses. Until that changes and I get her on my side, I don’t know what I’m going to do with Andrew.”

  “At least you have time.”

  Gabby nodded. “According to the doctor, she’s due around the first of February. So yes, there’s time.”

  But not much. Gabby didn’t say that out loud, but Nicole knew she was thinking it. They all had to be.

  “Is she nervous about school starting?”

  “I think so. She hasn’t said anything, but she must be. She’s barely showing, but that’s going to change. It will be hard for her to keep going to class while she gets bigger and bigger.”

  Nicole remembered her own pregnancy. She’d been thrilled, but after a while, her hugeness had gotten to her. How much worse to be an unmarried fifteen-year-old girl?

  “I’ve tried to take her clothes shopping a couple of times,” Gabby added. “She keeps putting me off. I think she’s scared, which makes me feel badly for her.” She shook her head. “I’m so out of my league here. I don’t know what to do.”

  “Have you talked to your mom?” Nicole knew that Gabby was close with both her parents.

  “No. I’m dreading that conversation.”

  “Why? She’s raised what, five kids? She may have some advice.”

  Gabby took another scone. “Nothing like this ever happened with us. She’s going to judge me big-time. I can feel it. I’m not sure I can handle whatever it is she wants to say. I know that’s making it about me and not Makayla, but jeez.”

  “How can I help?”

  Gabby sighed. “You are, just by listening. Right now I don’t think there’s much for anyone to do. I have to wait for Andrew to come home so he and I can straighten this out. Then we can talk to Makayla together.

  “That sounds like a plan,” Nicole said. But the truth was, she had her doubts. Gabby and Andrew weren’t even close on the issue. How were they supposed to find common ground? And if Makayla and her dad were the ones who stood against Gabby, there was going to be all kinds of trouble.

  “Enough about the soap opera that is my life,” Gabby told her. “What’s going on with you? Are you still seeing Jairus?”

  Nicole told herself not to blush. “Sort of. We had a second date.”

  Gabby raised her eyebrows. “And?”

  “It was nice. I like him. I’m terrified, though. My marriage was a mess and I couldn’t figure out why until after it was over. Plus, he’s a writer. I’ve been married to a writer.”

  “Oh, please. That’s like saying you dated a contractor once and it went badly, so no more contractors for you. The problem with Eric wasn’t the writing. That was a symptom. He was the problem. Look at how he is now.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Gabby softened her tone. “He doesn’t see Tyler. He’s the dad and it’s one afternoon, every other week, and he still doesn’t show up. That’s not about you, that’s him. For whatever reason, he’s not interested in anyone but himself.”

  Nicole hadn’t thought about Eric in those terms. “You think there’s something wrong with him?”

  “I think he’s not like the rest of us. Most people want to be part of a social collective. A family, a group of friends. Eric was never like that. He’s into the industry stuff and he likes being famous, but he’s not connected. Does that make sense?”

  Their server arrived with a tray of finger sandwiches, along with a plate piled high with crisps—aka potato chips. Gabby took one of the small triangles.

  “It’s been over a year since he moved out,” she continued, waving her sandwich. “There’s no other woman, right?”

  “Not that I know of.”

  “Trust me, he would have wanted you to know. He loves being photographed by the press and he’s never with anyone. I’m not saying he’s gay, I’m saying he’s not into intimacy of any kind. I’m sure you had fault in the failure of your marriage. Everyone gets some of the blame. But you’re not responsible for more than like thirty percent. It’s not because he was a writer.”